Student Chapters

Students looking for real-world experience should consider joining FPRA. We offer a special student membership rate. Memberships are available for any full-time or part-time student enrolled at an accredited university or college.

Here are just some of the advantages of joining FPRA as a student member:

Join Us

Networking Opportunities

Students are just a click or phone call away from mentors, internships and first-time job opportunities. As members, students have access to FPRA’s extensive network of PR and comms professionals and can attend professional workshops and seminars at any of the 15 professional chapters across the state. 

PR & Comms Summit

FPRA’s annual PR & Comms Summit, which features a student fieldtrip. Students can network with professionals from various industries and can compete in the student division of the Golden Image Awards


Chapter scholarships range from $500 to $1,350, and at the state level, FPRA offers two $1,500 scholarships each year. The deadline to apply for the 2024 State Scholarship is usually around the first of March. Be sure to contact us for details.

Job Bank

All FPRA members (including students) can access our online Job Bank. You may find the opportunity that launches your career!

Leadership Opportunities

Students are given the opportunity to develop leadership skills by serving on FPRA’s student chapter and professional boards. FPRA also offers a variety of committees to keep students involved.

FPRA Student Chapters

Barry University


Bethune Cookman


Florida Gulf


Florida Institute


Florida Southern


Southeastern University


Jacksonville University


Rollins College


Southeastern University


Stetson University


University of Tampa


University of West Florida